OM_An Opportunity for Merry Xmas!
Dear Martians!
When NASA announced that the Opportunity Rover mission officially ended on 13th Feb 2019, we were all very sad. This “little rover that could” along with his twin brother Spirit landed on Mars in January 2004.
Since that time he gave us amazing science and pictures. He was designed to operate for 90 days, but he worked tirelessly for 15 years! 🖤
We thought it’s not fair that the Rover is to stay broken on Mars forever, so we decided that if there’s anything we could do to bring him (and other Mars Rovers) back to life we would do it!

We decided to create a smaller Spin-off game in the “Occupy Mars” Universe, where you play as an engineer intending to fix Oppy, and other historic Rovers that ever explored the Red Planet.

As you know, Occupy Mars is an open world, sandbox, hard science-fiction game about Mars colonization. The goal here is to survive, build and maintain a growing martian colony. You wouldn’t have time for fixing Mars Rovers.

Making a “Mechanic” game is an experiment for us. We also noticed that people who play “Mechanic” series games are usually not interested in sandbox or survival games. Thanks to a Spin-Off game, we hope to interest more people in Mars exploration and science.
Rover Mechanic Simulator will be released in Steam Early Access on January 23rd!
We hope you will like this game as much as Occupy Mars. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020, where many of our games are going to come out! 🙂
Best Regards,
Occupy Mars Team & Rover Mechanic Simulator Team