Soyuz Constructors: Upgraded gantry
Greetings, Fellow Mechanics!
It’s been a while since the Demo has been released and yet we still receive a lot of invaluable feedback from you! Thank you for that! Know that we take all your suggestions and reports into account and make use of them to turn Soyuz Constructors into a much better game!
We’re working on an update that will address some of the issues you encountered in the Demo. Once testing proves that it’s ready for a release, we’ll let you know. 🙂 Other than that, our focus has been on developing and expanding the game to a much more polished Prologue.
One of the things that has been included in the game is a gantry and we’d like to tell you about it today!
You might recall that gantry had been mentioned in one of earlier devlogs back when it was in the early stage of development.
In the end, it didn’t make an appearance in the Demo, but with more demanding engines coming in the Prologue, you’ll definitely need its help later on.
Very often, you’ll be assembling a major part of the engine in one place and only then you’ll be able to attach it to another part elsewhere. It’s not a problem when these parts are small, but we all know rockets are a huge construction and engines by themselves are also of considerable size.
Gantry allows you to carry heavy parts of the engine that are impossible to transport with human hands.
By pressing corresponding keys, you can move the gantry, lower the hook to pick up a part…

…Then raise it up again and move it where it’s needed…

…And at last, put it in the required place!

We hope this addition will improve immersion and make you feel like a true engineer!
Best Regards,
Soyuz Constructors Team