Occupy Mars DevLog #62: How NOT to die on Mars: Part 2
Hello again, Martians!
How are your preparations? Are you ready to face the harsh life on the Red Planet?
We’ve already told you all about water and how to manage it in your Martian base. It’s time for another lesson on Occupying Mars!
Today, we’ll cover Oxygen! While you’ll arrive on the Red Planet with a few spare bottles, there is only so far you can go with these alone. Learn the basics about watching your Oxygen parameters and using your base to provide you with what you need to survive.
There is a lot to cover, so make yourself comfortable and let’s get started!
You’ve done amazing so far, Martians! Take a little breather and we’ll be back to our training at a later time.
Check the countdown on our official page: occupymarsgame.com
See that? In just 3 days you’ll be going to Mars! Remember this as you’re entering the new week!
We’ll be there on Mars waiting for you. See you soon!
Occupy Mars Team