DFH_New Cinematic Trailer
Dear Paleotologists! We are pleased to present to you a brand new Dinosaur Fossil Hunter Cinematic Trailer!! https://youtu.be/aX1urwewLmg Best Regards, Dinosau Fossil Hunter team
OM_An Opportunity for Merry Xmas!
Dear Martians! When NASA announced that the Opportunity Rover mission officially ended on 13th Feb 2019, we were all very sad. This "little rover that could" along with his twin brother Spirit landed on Mars in January 2004. Since that time he
RMS_Important Announcement
Although the release date of Rover Mechanic Simulator had been set to autumn 2019, we came to the conclusion that the game needs more polish, and it would be best to postpone the release until RMS meets the expectations. Rover Mechanic
RMS_Devlog #24: Rovers Summary
Dear Martians! Being a rover mechanic on Mars sounds awesome, and as it is exciting, it is also a very demanding job that requires you to deal with expensive and fragile scientific instruments on a daily basis. Rovers that you are going