OM_Demo Mission during the Steam Game Festival
Dear Martians!
The Steam Game Festival starts today: June 16th, and will last up to June 22nd!
Our demo mission continues so if you haven’t tried out Occupy Mars Demo yet, you can still do this! Play the demo and have fun!

Occupy Mars Demo is a small introduction to the world of Occupy Mars. As a member of one of the first successful Mars colonies, you have been sent to Remote Research Station located inside the Gale Crater. You have to complete your tasks and do everything you can to survive!
How to download a demo?
You can download the demo from Occupy Mars steam store page.
If you encounter any issues, please contact us on our Discord server.
During the Steam Game Festival, you can expect more streams, a chat with developers and more! More information will follow in a few days so stay tuned!
In the next few weeks we will launch the Prologue (which will be a longer version of the demo).
The Prologue will give you more playtime, more features and a way to verify if we are going in the right direction with implementing your suggestions. Remember to add the Prologue to your Wishlists.

Occupy Mars Team