Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Patch v1.1.2
Dear Paleontologists!
It’s been a while since the last Dinosaur Fossil Hunter update, but we made sure to make use of all this time and today we present to you Update v1.1.2! This patch introduces many important fixes, which should eliminate most of known issues you reported to us.
Here are the most important ones:
– missing bones/bone sets should be available on the tablet
– skeletons that are not on display should be on the computer in the exhibition hall
– most of the excavated stones that are hanging in the air should unlock after reloading the scene (save/load)
– stones held in the air by fragments of the soil/rock should be able to be dug out when you get close
– all locations should be accessible (no blackscreens, no endless loading)
– fixed blackscreen after exiting car
– fixed car hanging in the air after entering the Dinosaur Canyon location
– fixed car issues after fast travel
– fixed non interactive crates with skeletons appearing in the middle of the museum
– fixed overlapping skeleton supports
– fixed locked travel to museum and locked possibility of placing empty displays (empty exhibitions will be removed, skeletons will be available at exposition controller)
– fixed disappearing of bone set after quick pick up of similar set
– fixed disappearing of bone set after museum upgrade
– fixed disappearing of bone set placed at skeleton after the beginning of autoclean of a similar set
– fixed blocking of bone sets after they have been completed
– removed too many Ornithomimus bones/skeletons in main museum
– fixed colliders of some decorations to avoid having them stick out of the display
– fixed triangular holes on the edge of the display
– fixed water disappearing from displays
– fixed uninspected stone status
– fixed single stones hanging in the air after being completely excavated – most of them should unlock after re-entering the location (save/load)
– fixed achievement after discovering an ornithomimus (further fixes for other achievements will be available in the next update)
– fixed renewing soil/rock ground in the excavation area when the player returns to the location
– fixed V-sync settings
– fixed issues with “missing key”
– fixed issues with radial menu
– unlocked walking with tablet
– other small fixes and polish
– Dinosaur Canyon scene optimisation
– longer tool range to extract stones held in the air by voxel
– added possibility to put assembled skeleton fragments into museum storage
– added automatic change of postprocess on small bones cleaning station to make work easier
– faster player movement speed on maps
If this patch doesn’t address an issue you have encountered in the game, please contact us via email address [email protected] and let us know about it by providing us with a detailed description and your game files such as your save file and log file.
Both save files and log files can be found in the following directory:
C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\LocalLow\PyramidGames\Dinosaur Fossil Hunter
AppData folder is hidden, which might make it difficult to access it through File Explorer. In that case, try one of these methods to locate your files:
1. Copy and paste full directory into the bar of your File Explorer.
2. Copy full directory, press Windows + R and paste this directory into the field of the box that shows up.
Once you do any of the following, you should be redirected to Dinosaur Fossil Hunter folder, where you can find:
Your save file – entire GameSaves folder
Your log file – text file named „Player” or „Player.log”
You can also zip and send us entire Dinosaur Fossil Hunter folder if you prefer – we’ll figure out the rest. 🙂
Just as we’re publishing this announcement and releasing the patch, a new update is in the making. Aside from the fixes, we’d like to introduce some of your suggestions, which – we hope – will make this game even more fun.
Topics we’re working on:
– add more statuses, tips and waypoints to help with gameplay
– add possibility to turn on/off cleaning tools with one “click”
– add possibility to skip lector dialogues
– unlock the autoclean option for the medium bones before extracting from plaster stage
– enable an elevator to make visiting the museum more comfortable
– polishing details (particles, SFX etc.)
– gamepad controls – full support
– polish of subscribed workshop UI
– Dinosaur Canyon location polish
– fix broken achievements
– improve the environment’s design
And many more…
– development tests of a new location for the next major update
Best Regards,
Dinosaur Fossil Hunter Team